Originally Posted By: imadeerhntr
Seems like there is a new line of roto molded coolers coming out every week. Just different names.

Yep....I just don't get it. "Oh, but they can keep ice for 5 days"....but realistically, how many people, really have a need to keep ice for 5 days? aside from someone maybe on a charter boat that or someone going to a primitive camp site for several days, I just don't see the point.

I'm sure there are a few folks out there that truly need some super-duper megacooler, but most people just want some fancy beer cooler.

The whole luxury cooler trend is seriously baffling.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft