Originally Posted By: poorcountrypreacher
I saw her at a party when I was 19 and she wouldn't talk to me so I forgot about her. Saw her at a different party a few weeks later and she had a much different attitude. What changed in those few weeks? I got no idea. All these years later I still can't figure out the moods of women.

I sure hope she doesn't stumble onto aldeer and read this. smile

The back-story to mine was similar. Although I would see her on Fridays at that restaurant, we didn't know each other. A few days prior to the Friday I asked her out, she was walking into the local mall ahead of me and I recognized her. I assumed she would at least make eye contact, or hopefully speak, but she didn't even hold the door for me. I guessed she just didn't see me. So that's how I opened the conversation at the restaurant..."I can't believe you high-hatted me at the mall the other day!" She giggled and admitted she knew it was me. grin

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.