Grabbing it around the neck and wringing it like a chicken would not be as easy as you might think based on personal experience.About 40 years ago I was stuck at Auburn over Thanksgiving and me and my buddies thought it would be fun to go down to the AU poultry farm and acquire us a turkey to cook.WE snuck in at night, went to the hut like things they kept them in and on the count of three me and one other buddy each grabbed a roosting bird by the neck and attempted to wring/break it. What happened instead was the turkeys went crazy, flapping their wings and basically spinning us all over the hut, waking up all the other turkeys which began to raise absolute hell.WE managed to get them in the bed of the truck and basically laid on top of them until we got back to the apartment where we could get a knife to dispatch them because we tried everything we could think of to break there darn neck. Those skeezers are tough and rubbery.I will admit there were substantial amounts of alchohol involved. We cleaned those suckers in the communal showers of the rat hole I was living at. Anybody on here old enough to remember Thorntons Boarding House? Was next to Krystals and Chanelos Pizza. Truly third world accomodations. LOL