Originally Posted By: ikillbux
Helmet on for the onslaught of rebuke I'll get for this (always do), but it's very simply a matter of supply and demand. When I hear people these days pleading about "we must get our children into hunting or we're gonna lose the sport" I bug my eyes out and burst into laughter!!! Everybody hunts, and all the land is leased.

Similarly, try taking your bass boat to any lake on a Saturday now. And the fishing isn't as good anywhere as it used to be because every fish has a dozen hook holes in it's lips and has been dragged to the other end of the lake in a livewell. It's pretty much the same with deer hunting....few people will say that hunting is as good today as it used to be.

I fish after work on weekdays. Guntersville is a madhouse on the weekends. I need to do a little recon and find some out of the way spots, but not sure they exist.

“Killing tomorrow’s trophies today.”

On the distance I like to walk to my stands:
“The first 100 yards is also the last 100 yards.”