I have been getting by with a POS 4-footer for years and have about 20 acres of pasture at the house I want to keep looking decent.My current mower does not cut evenly and the pasture looks bad even after cutting. So since I am in the middle of an unexpected timber thinning and have some fun money its time to upgrade.I only have a 50 hp tractor so am thinking a 6 maybe 7 footer.Also, since I want the pasture looking good am thinking of a finish mower. That would also be helpful in my plots since I want to go toward throw and mow and the finish mowers cover more evenly.Other than mowing plots and roads which are in pretty good condition I should not be beating the heck out of whatever I get.Plus I can keep the beater I have now and use that for rough stuff.I know we have some good knowledge and experience on here. Any suggestions?