Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: straycat
Curious about y'alls thoughts.

Let's start with this.....From my understanding, the way evolution occurs is not really by animals slowly morphing into something different but rather by each species throwing out a few individuals that are different than the group and natural selection favoring those few individuals. When environmental conditions change, then the animals in the group that are best suited to handle that change survive and pass on their genes. For example, it’s like if a species of bird all have short beaks except for a few anomalies with long beaks. Let’s say there’s some type of environmental event that leaves the flock in a condition where only the birds with long beaks are able to reach food….they live while the others perish. That's natural selection and how species change over time.

Is this your understanding of it too?
Yes, but that is not evolution as taught in our schools today. That is simply adaption where a species best adapts to it's environment through the process that you have laid out. This is also referred to as micro evolution. This is often used as a straw-man argument that say "since we see changes within a species evolution between species must be true".