Originally Posted By: Irishguy
Once I bought the wood stove and placed it in the cabin, and then thought about where the rest of the furniture was going to go in the small space, I quickly realized that everything was just too close.

To alleviate this problem I came up with the idea to build an alcove for the stove. This will also simplify the routing of the chimney, which now will simply run straight up and out the little alcove roof and bypass the upper roof overhang.

So Mrs. Irish and I had to pour some foundations and and get out the tools this weekend...

Weather permitting we are taking a 4 day weekend next weekend and should manage to get quite a bit of work done.

I had to frame the opening on the inside and carefully measure

Pic of the exterior framing. Once we get the roof on it and everything blacked in, I will cut the hole.

Of course if you're going to work hard at pretending to be a weekend framing carpenter, you need to so a little of this...

I honestly would rather sit on my back deck on the mountain than be on a beach any day. I can't wait to move up here full time.

Irish, that view definitely doesn't suck! Enjoy your work.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe