Originally Posted By: Antlerfluke
Originally Posted By: jaredhunts
Charge enough in the membership fee to hire someone out to do all the labor. I would think that most people join clubs to hunt and have a good time. Not to work. 100 bucks for a missed day is fair I suppose and then it really depends on what your membership fee is.

Jaredhunts, so you're for hiring the needed work done? But have you thought that SOMEONE from the hunting club has to be there with the hired workers to show them what needs to be done and where as no one knows the club food plots, stand locations, etc... better than the club members!!

But hey, as long as it's not you Jarendhunts that HAS to be there, huh? Let someone else do it!!

Jaredhunts, you ARE A CONSUMER!! You profit off the backs of others. Let the other guys do the work and put up the shooting houses. Let the other members trim shooting lanes!

Ol' Jared will be there every weekend of deer season and certainly won't miss the rut, will ya?

I'm that 10% that works his ass off and the the other 90% of members benefit off my and some other members' labor and it's guys like you I would not have in my hunting club.

Sorry, this is a hot button for me.

Im pretty sure he wasn't saying he would prefer to hire the help done. I think he was saying to charge enough to cover the cost of hired help if the member was unable to show up for a workday. As far as someone having to be there to show the "Help" around, there are going to be members that do make the work day...

Turkeys be damned.