yes, I'd guess that the majority of folks that in reality CAN kill over the limit, will do so. They have the time and the birds.

I've actually known very few turkey hunters that have the skill, time , and birds/(land) to kill over the limit that don't do it.

Some do like I do and guide younguns or others to do the shooting and you still get to hunt without exceeding the personal limit or breaking the law. I once killed my limit bird ten days into the season. My GW Captain asked what I was going to do now? I carried my seven year old daughter a LOT of mornings after that. We both had a LOT of fun and failed to close the deal that season.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one