Originally Posted By: ronfromramer
540 rpms at the pto is at 2250 engine rpms. Tractor is a 4 yr old mf 2615. I really like it. 43 pto hp, easy to drive, great food plot tractor. Runs all day on about 5 gals of diesel. I bought it new. Replaced a mf 165 that I still have, that has a gazillion hours on it and is still going strong. The 165 has 53 pto hp and only burns about a gallon or so fuel/hr under a full load. It made me a massey ferguson fan for life

Under further review, it's 540 pto rpms at 1800 engine rpms. At 2250 it's 680 pto rpms. It's around 4.5 mph at 1800 rpms, it's all good.