Originally Posted By: AU7MM08

Originally Posted By: ronfromramer
I'll bet you'd be shocked if you knew how few millennials could change a tire. Seems like most kids these days that aren't country boys don't know how to do much of anything that doesn't involve electronics or video games

Then I'll be the devil's advocate...why didn't their Father, Uncle, Grandfather, neighbor, coach, teacher etc show/teach them?

I understand there needs to be self-motivation but having someone older/wiser show you something makes it a lot less intimidating, even simple things.

But that said a lot of young people myself included turn to the Internet/Youtube on how to learn certain things.

because their parents wanted to be their "best friend" and not be a parent and teach em stuff they could actually use.

I teach my ten year old grandson to do anything I have to do, from sharpening a lawn mower blade to changing a tire to shooting a gun to cleaning it. Only a lazy self centered sob won't teach a child how to survive when grown.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one