Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Non-stop for about the past 30 years.
And, have have experiencing some high blood pressure issues the past couple of years. Started meds, but dropped too low, too quick. Been trying to modify diets. But, it seems that food makes it high! LOL
While it is definitely worse when bp is up. It is incessant anyway....so, no big deal.

BTW, thanks for the reminder.......it will be hours before I can just 'let it go' and quit thinking about it. That is when it is really bad.....when it is on your mind!!!

That's why the ringing turned up to 11 when I started reading this thread! Also as soon as I get set up and get still in the woods it seems to roar the loudest for a few minutes until I can tune it out

Last edited by Powpow65; 04/18/17 05:04 PM.