Well it ends up that I only caught part of the swarm. I left the box there, to get all the bees. Before I left it, I opened it up and there were bees on every frame in the box. I had not opened it again, until this afternoon. When I opened it today, there was only 2 frames of bees and they had pulled queen cells on the frame of open brood that I put into the hive when I caught them. I have a caged queen that I'm going to put in with them tomorrow.

I am fairly certain that where I screwed this whole deal up, was spraying swarm lure on the top bar of a frame, right before I dumped the bees in the hive. First and last time I'll ever do that.

Tambo sent me a picture of "another" swarm the next day, which really didn't make sense because of the timing of the queen cells hatching, so now I know that the swarm she sent me a picture of the next day, was the majority of the swarm that I put in this hive the first day.

Hives typically swarm with the old queen, the day of or day after the queen cells in the parent hive are capped. They hatch around 8 days later and cast afterswarms, if the first virgin queen doesn't kill all the other queens while they're in their cells. I knew it didn't make sense for their to be 2 big swarms 2 days in a row. Now I know why.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14