Originally Posted By: BhamFred
ha, caught my first tarpon with him, Cal was a damn good guide.

When I arrived at the dock I got my fly rod out and told him I wanted to catch a tarpon on a fly. He said it was very unlikely I would do it with THAT outfit. It was an eight foot dry fly action seven/eight weight rod. LOL Late in the day we motored around a point and he cut the motor and told me to get up front with THAT rod. He told me to cast up under some limbs with my tarpon streamer. I made maybe one strip and a 30 pound tarpon ate the fly and exploded up INTO the overhanging limbs. I thought he was gone, but it ran out into open water and we finally landed it. I'm looking at it on the wall now these 49 YEARS later.

It takes a great guide to put a newbie 17 year old on a tarpon on a halfbaked fly outfit.

Thanks for that story. I never heard that one. He was a damn good guide. I sure do miss him.

Yeah c’mon. Daniel White