Today’s test runs with the two different traps favored the 550. We’ll see how it does after waxing but right now the 550 fires at about 3 lbs basically right off the shelf. I’m hoping when I wax it that maybe it just lighten up slightly. Even though the 650 does have an easy to adjust screw on the pan….it doesn’t seem to do much good after waxing when the trap is well lubricated. It’s the latch that’s holding the pan that appears to be where most of the hair trigger is coming from. It just doesn’t hold the pan well enough when waxed.

I played around more the 550 and did much better today. I’m trying a different technique for making my beds and it seems to be working much better for me. The one thing I did notice was that my pan tension after completing the set was 5+ lbs as compared with the 3 lbs of tension it had before being in the ground. I used peat moss on this set. Granted its not a waxed trap…….I’m still concerned with nearly doubling my pan tension. We’ll do it again when its waxed to get a truer read. I’m sure it’ll be a lot touchier when waxed.

Here’s one of my practice sets. The red circle is where my pan is sitting on the 550 trap. I took some fresh dug up dirt and mounded it slightly on either side of my trap to help funnel the yote and look like something had been freshly digging. Feel free to critique my set up. I’m thinking that even if the yote comes at it from the side….he’s gonna be likely to step right over that little mound and down onto my pan. I really wouldn't mind my pan being a little closer to the hole.

We dont rent pigs