I’m continuing to play around with the MB-650 vs the MB-550 foot hold traps. I’m letting the new 550 rust a little before I dye and wax it. I went ahead now that I’ve got my pan tester and put a fresh coat of dye and wax on both 650’s to test out the pan tension. I’m seeing an issue develop with them. When freshly waxed, the lubrication between the pan and the latch is so slick that you barely have to breath on it to set it off…..even with the pan screw tightened down good. I’ve tried scraping it with my pocket knife and it still way too touchy. I don’t even think it made it to 1 lb. I may have to dirty ‘em up a little. I’m taking 5 right instead of getting frustrated. About to go back for round two. Again, this is coming out of the mouth of someone new to trapping but I just believe that you are gonna want accurate precision with your pan tension. If 3 lbs is seen as ideal…..then I believe we want all traps firing real damn close to that number. Easily replicating that each and every time after waxing a 650 may be an issue.....we'll keep trying and see what we can figure out.

Last edited by CNC; 04/09/17 06:26 AM.

We dont rent pigs