Originally Posted By: ozarktroutbum
Originally Posted By: TickaTicka
Great recipe, always loved by everyone. Took a pile of them to a superbowl party last year and people were asking for more of the finest beef they'd ever eaten.

Seared whole duck breasts in a cast iron skillet with a simple pan sauce served with wild rice is a meal that can't be beat. Rare and nothing further.
You've got to give me that recipe then!

Nothing complicated. Searing hot cast iron skillet, some good fat in the pan, salt and pepper each side of breast and sear 2 or so minutes per side. You want this rare. Red, bloody rare when you cut into it.

Time depends on size of duck. This isn't good for teal/woodducks cause they overcook quick. Larger puddle ducks are better.

Remove and loosely tent with foil. Add some shallots, or finely diced onions to pan, maybe a little chopped garlic. Add some wine or whiskey and some fresh herbs (thyme, lavendar are my favorites), reduce and then start to thicken, slowly adding some cold pats of butter or thick cream. Serve pan sauce over wild rice and thinly sliced duck breasts.

If you are fortunate enough to shoot some large late season migrating puddle ducks, pluck the breast and then breast the bird out, leaving the skin and fat on the breast meat. That fat under the skin is something special and when you eat that crispy, seared duck skin, well, you might need a private moment.

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