Originally Posted By: CNC
Try running some different bait and lure in a few of the traps. Coons like sweet things. I melted down some coconut oil....mixed in a bottle of vanilla extract....and then let the oil cool and harden again. It seems to be working good. I just take a small crumble of it and drop it on top of my bait inside the trap. Try that along with some corn and see if the coons like it better. Every time I've ever used fish in live traps I've caught possums.

Tomorrow we'll refresh cat food in half and put out a corn tube feeder with a couple pounds in it with 3 corn baited traps nearby. they seem to show up quick at the feeders.

Last edited by CatHeadBiscuit; 03/30/17 12:55 AM.

"Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a crap on the table, and strut around like its victorious."--Anonymous