I went to the eye doc last week and had my prescription updated for the first time in a while. It was way out of date. I was going to need bifocals for total vision so I opted to keep my contacts at distance and wear readers. The good news is I'm back to 20/15 with the contacts. The problem is I need readers for anything out to about 4-5 feet or so. So I need some decent + 125 reading glasses. My wife bought me some Foster Grants but the lenses seem pretty foggy and I'll have to get use to wearing them at work with the computer.

I'm having a pair of contacts sent that are set up for Mono-vison, The dominant eye is distance and the other is up close but I'm not real confident in those. I'm left eye dominant but I learned to shoot right handed with that eye closed so I can't shoot with them.

One day the right woman will come along and the next thing you know you'll be wearing her underwear!