Originally Posted By: straycat
Health insurance needs to be more like car insurance or a powertrain warranty:
Big things covered. Regular maintenance and minor issues not covered.

Not covered:
Oil change
Regular maintenance items
New battery
New tires because others are worn
Light/lamp bulbs
Rip in seat

For health insurance the same concept should be in place:

Not covered:
Routine preventive care
Dr visits for common colds, bugs, virus, etc.
All the little stuff

Health insurance needs to be there for MAJOR MEDICAL CARE only. Health savings accounts for all the little stuff. This approach plus opening interstate commerce for insurance companies would drastically decrease insurance costs and put people back to taking responsibility. More money in our pockets to pay for non-major medical needs.

Pipe dream I know, but still true.

That's how it should work! Just like any other type of insurance. If you have a cold, you just pay the doctor out of pocket. It's just part of living expenses.