AS a current coach of a REC League Team once my kids get old enough to travel we will travel. REC is glorified baby sitting, and RECs are WAY to Liberal for me, they are "let's make it fair to everybody." Travel Ball the kids and the parent WANT to be there. They also understand it's not for participation trophies.

We traveled from the time I was 12-18yrs old, you are completely nuts if you think College Coaches go to REC parks to look at recruits, H.S. okay MAYBE on occasions. Travel ball carries the Elite competition, recruiters can hit one tournament to watch 15 different teams, and most importantly colleges are playing as well playing the same time as REC/H.S.. I can remember at 18 being at East Cobb with 20 different teams during the summer, playing against the like of McCann, Francouer etc that place had 75 college and professional scouts, We played in the championship game and there was 25 scouts lined against the fence. Went to Nashville to play in a tournament with 20+ teams, it was the same way, we actually took down David Price's team (he didn't pitch but they were still elite). Go watch the Jupiter FL tournament World Wooden Bat classic, teams come in from across the world and there are 100s of scouts there.

AS for pitching if the Travel Coach isn't monitoring the # of pitches being thrown by his kids, pitch by pitch, and week to week, you as a parent need to look for a new team or speak up LOUD. 15 and under shouldn't exceed 50p a week, 15 and older 75p at MOST. As a parent you need to have a set LIMIT of innings per year you think acceptable to pitch, and age plays a factor.