I've got a ton of Beta cassettes, somewhere out in the shed, I think. I remember 8-tracks in cars being state-of-the-art stuff...and cassette tapes after that. News at 6:00 and 10:00, the "It's ten o'clock, do you know where you're children are?" PSA's, National Anthem at sign off/sign on, and test patterns in between. We had 2 channels, plus PBS...3 channels if the weather was just right and we could get channel 7 out of Panama City. That didn't happen often, usually it was 12 in Montgomery and 4 in Dothan, and of course PBS was 2. I grew up on military bases, so at the theatres they always played the National Anthem before movies, too, and everyone in the place stood and held their hand over their heart. There were gas stations where you'd pull in and an attendant would pump the gas, check the oil, and clean the windows for no extra charge, plus you got S&H Trading Stamps, a drinking glass (collect the whole set!) or some other gift just for doing business with them!

Well behaved women never make history.~ Out back
Quit laughing...I think I broke something.

Fifteen is my limit on Schnitzen-Gruben, Baby...

I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but only for a minute.