Originally Posted By: CatHeadBiscuit
Our 6 Duke DP traps came in Saturday and we plan on setting 4 with some sardines and building catch poles Friday. Then check and reset on Saturday and check and deset on Sunday this week.
The regulation indicates a metal tag with name and address be affixed to each trap even non commercial. Is that a correct read on that? I still think the license is optional for non commercial pest removal just have to bring the catch pole and a .22 to dispatch them. Feel free to correct any misconceptions I may have.

Yes, that's my understanding of it.

Just an update.......I moved my coon traps about 250 yards and set up several of them on a main trail coming across the backside of the beaver dam and didn't pick up any additional catches after 3 night. I'm pulling everything up now and getting ready to move to the other property soon.

We dont rent pigs