Marshmallows and a squirt of fish oil is money in the bank. But bacon grease and a little corn might be just as effective especially if they are getting in a deer feeder and you aren't trying to draw them in.

When I was a kid we had a cattle farm and as I was always by my grandfather or father's side and I watched them do this. And when I was strong enough to set the traps I was doing it. We had a chicken coup and it was foxes at times and all sorts of other critters. And now there is a 4 lane highway through it and houses on it.

And then I didn't trap other than once here or there for years up until a maybe a year or so ago. I decided predator hunting was just for fun but a waste of my time in terms of real predator control.

I read all the time. What I have learned the most from every trapping book I have read over the years is that every single one tells you to do something different yet they are all the same. To try and clarify...If you read 5 books they tell you 5 ways to do the same thing. Mark June is a bit different than Russ Carman than O'Gorman. I've read them all.

The main thing you get from the books is different ideas on how to make sets. All the rest of it is lost in opinion or preference for me. Basically you can read a little on the internet and easily understand trap preparation and those aspects of doing this. Including offsetting traps and spacing from the dirt hole, etc. is a treasure trove of information.

That being said there is no right or wrong way to set your traps. Try and remain as scent free as possible, wear gloves and take care of scent control between your bait and traps. Then let the animals tell you what you are doing wrong. Study the tracks around your sets, study the misses.

Charles Dobbins books on Flat Sets and Dirtholes are good ones and have a lot of pictures and different ideas about sets in them. They are probably worth having.

Sometimes it helps to talk through what you are doing. I have a place down close to you and if I can get down there during turkey season maybe you swing by and I can just take an hour and show you what I do.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.