Originally Posted By: Randy74
I could care less on the corn issue. Make it legal or illegal; that doesn't really bother me. Having hunted where you can bait, I did not see that much difference nor did we have issues on the lease. We also didn't just have sections to hunt. We tried to spread feeders out across the property and hunted like normal. We weren't all trying to sit over a feeder. I think it can be used and obviously will be abused but it's not a magic bullet in my experience.

The $15 is complete BS. I pay a tax when I buy the corn; they can work out how to take some of that with the state but I shouldn't have to pay again to pour it out. It's like me paying taxes when I buy ammo and then they tell me I have to pay another $15 to use that ammo to deer hunt. It's not our problem if they can't manage their finances and divide the tax money how it needs to be divided and this $15 will not help that. The baiting can be debated all you want but their lack of leadership is not up for debate. They have shown they have none.

I understand your point. But the sales taxes you pay on that ammo does not goto the DNCR. it goes to the general fund. The DCNR get's no general fund money.