My wife is a teacher and I cannot ever remember her spanking my son. She'll discipline him in other ways, including nagging, which is far worse than a spanking. She has a black belt in nag-fu.

She stayed on him much worse than I ever did. When needed, she'd come to me and I'd crash on him like the trade towers. He knew that if it came to me doing the discipline it was gonna be bad. World ending bad for him. Didn't matter where. Didn't matter when. Didn't matter who was watching.

I had to spank him a few times over the years, but for the most part he towed the line and was a good kid. We had the typical problems other parents are all going to have to deal with, but I have always been a step ahead of him.

He's learned humility, right from wrong, how to lose, how to win, when to respect and when to fire back at someone. He likes to jerk his mom's chain and occasionally tries to pull mine for fun. But I know that we raised him right and because of that he's being successful in everything he's attempted so far.

It truly takes two parents. There are few children raised in a one parent home who turn out to be well adjusted adults. They need to learn how to be a woman from mom and a man from dad and they learn by example.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.