Originally Posted By: sbo1971
Where are her parents in this? I know some on here don't want to hear this but it is not any of your business, or your sons. Tjis is up to the girl and her parents, speaking to his dad is one tjing, mentioning your son ad you did can be viewed as a thinly veiled threat. However, dont blow this idiot off, the kid has issues and should not be trusted at all. Now that you have in some what confronted him about his behavior it will most likely get worse before it gets better unless the boys parents step in immediately.

The girlfriend has already had her Dad call the kid directly. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do but, I did let the kid's Dad know that there is a problem that his family needs to deal with. that I did not want my Son to escalate a situation to where there is damage.

WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country.
He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."