Originally Posted By: crenshawco
Originally Posted By: ikillbux

rofl Y'all questioning Chuck Sykes again!!!

Dude's an ELITE level deer manager. I've concluded y'all aren't againt Chuck Sykes, you're against deer management.

I think for the most part your assessment is correct. Most folks don't want or need the government telling them how to manage their land and it's resources. You keep on rocking the dream that Chuckie is going to make Bama the next Pike Co. IL though.

Most folks think a track with dew claws is a "buck track", and clumped poop is "buck poop". So let's pump the brakes on pounding our chests.

And I boldly disagree with this correlation that attempting to manage a herd for better sex and age distribution is equivalent to "trying to make Alabama (fill in Midwest state)". Come on y'all, that's the worst straw man argument out there.

Last edited by ikillbux; 01/04/17 04:07 PM.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.