We tracked to this deer about 500 yards out but it was still alive and not weak enough that we could really do anything with it. We were too close to a major highway to really turn Otis loose on it. Actually the reason I started tracking for this club is because another tracker referred them to me not wanting to run his dogs that close to a highway. Otis works in close proximity to me so I can work him on a track like this until it goes hot. One thing I was pleasantly surprised by is how well he worked the track after at least an inch of rain at least. It really wasn't that much different than a normal track. I think the hunter may have hit the deer really low in the guts or something of that nature. You could tell the buck was slower than normal but he wasn't hurtin too bad.

Last edited by CNC; 01/02/17 01:16 PM.

We dont rent pigs