We certainly have divers in Alabama. They mostly prefer big water and can dive much deeper than puddle ducks to obtain food. Cans, redheads, bluebills, ringneck and buffleheads are all present in Alabama in hunt able populations. Killed lots of the black and white ducks in Alabama.

Diver hunters on big water use good equipment, lots of decoys and big boats. For most of us weekend warriors the cost of admission is too high. Mallards and wood ducks can be killed with knee boots and a few decoys. So the majority of the Alabama contingent will be set up in shallow water (Guntersville is an exception). Besides the puddlers are usually better table fare.

The market hunters targeted Canvasbacks but the ducks fed on wild celery then. I couldn't ID that plant and don't know if it is even found locally. The Cans I have eaten have had a very strong flavor and I prefer puddlers.