Pretty happy with the 40acre tract I'm hunting this year vice all the trouble last yr on the club with poaching, vandalism and theft. I still don't have my camper back from all the damage that was done but should have shortly.

Anyhow, I'm hunting a 40acre tract that's privately owned by a disabled vet with one leg. Asked me to put fields in for him and I could hunt, to include wife can hunt. All parties couldn't be happier. I've killed two does and he's set up for the gun season when he will hunt a few times.

The ugly, I could tell right away people have been hunting his land and I tried to let him know in the nicest way. Well, we were up on the land last weekend and cameras were stolen in the hardwoods. Poor guy was crushed. I guess I'm numb after everything I've been through with larger tracts where people poach and steal your chit all the time. It just kills me that a wounded vet saved to buy his honey hole and a piece of paradise and sorry a$$ people are on his land and stealing. I wish I lived closer so there could be more of a presence up there. Rant over