Originally Posted By: metalmuncher
It's not just the education system. They are draining health care, increasing insurance rates, and abusing food stamps and other government give aways. ie. they have to show NO id. to get food stamps. What's to stop them from applying for them in multiple counties? It chaps my _____ to see them in front of me at walmart with 3 buggies loaded with mostly name brands and more meat than my family can eat in a month. Meanwhile, I'm back there trying to decide if I need to put something back because I'm not sure if I have enough cash! Oh well, thats another thread for another time. Thanks for listening to my venting.

This is precisely the reason that any type of reform (social security, healthcare, etc) will be unsuccessful until the issue of immigration reform is pursued seriously. If I were president, I would veto any and all legislation that didn't deal with immigration until there was a handle on it.

I probably wouldn't get the hispanic vote.