Originally Posted By: Teacher One
Originally Posted By: Turkey
I'd also let the house owner know the law had been called on his renter twice.

This won't work. Seems like renters have more rights than owners. If you don't believe me, just try to evict them.

I also have dog issues. Unloading the tractor about 6 weeks ago, the neighbors seven (yes seven) dogs appeared. One was growling and very aggressive. He got about three foot from me and showed his teeth, I didn't have a pistol or anything with me. I just climbed up on the loader bucket and waited until they left which was about 10 minutes of growling and pissing on tires, etc.

I tried to replant last Wednesday evening when we were expecting rain. Same scenario all over again. This time I had my snake boots on and my Glock with me. When a different dog got about 5 foot away and growled, I took my pistol from the holster, and I was going to let him bite the snake boots before I pulled the trigger. He backed out on me and just kept growling and barking. I wouldn't going to kill him unless he tried to bite. I haven't ever bothered anyone's dogs, or their stuff in my life but these dogs are in line for a bad confrontation.

I am in the process of purchasing this tract of land, and as my wife calls it-In line to the throne. Fantastic hunting ground for over 40 years, but the constant harassment from the dogs has really affected the number of deer that stay on it now. The trails I see now are dog trails instead of deer trails. I have my hands tied as to an ethical solution to this problem.

A dog that does that to me on my own land is a dead dog

We will burn that bridge when we get there