It will serve them right if that thing collapses during the next "big one".

That's some stupid schidt right there. An extremist liberal, left-leaning city that balks at the mere thought of allowing an SUV within their city limits, yet they outsourced a BRIDGE to China due to union labor rates all the while turning a blind eye as to how much heavy fuel oil had to be burned in those ships to get the steel to the US.

Hypocrits - a PRIME example.

1,000,000 Man Hours of steel work X 2.6 (common "jobs" multiplier for outsourcing) = 2.6MM man hours.

Assuming the average worker got 2-weeks of idle/vacation time, then it would have provided about 250 jobs for 5-years.

Not a lot, but when you look at the cost difference (only a few percent) and the environmental impact (something they SUPPOSEDLY care about), then it makes ZERO sense.

Last edited by bamachem; 09/20/11 12:22 PM.