Originally Posted By: timbercruiser
I have a pine log sale I tried to get a lump sum price on about a month ago and nobody would give a price because of the log market.

We had 3 no sales this summer because of no interest, no prices worth selling, or no loggers available. Never seen it this bad! You would starve to death on 8% across the board regardless of how many sales you had. Get too many going and you can't monitor them correctly. I'll take 4-6% on land sales all day because it takes MUCH less work! Even with split commissions. Like comparing apples to tomatoes. They both are round and red/green.

Plus anyone who wants to do the online course can get a real estate license. You need a 4 year college degree at a reputable Forestry school, several years in field experience, and an intensive test in front of a Certification board to show your knowledge to become a Registered Forester. Not very comparable.

Last edited by gobbler; 09/25/16 08:54 AM.

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine