What I think he's trying to explain is that his club is run like a "Florida" hunting club.

In those, each member has an "area" which varies in size depending on how large club is, how many members, etc etc etc. That members area is his alone. Only that member and his guests can hunt there. The balance of the land (usually at least half, sometimes 80%) is "club" land open to everyone, but usually still divided into area's or plots.

Believe it or not, these situations were not designed to scandalize the rest of you who hunt in traditional club setups. They came about because FL has been allowing baiting for a long time (if not forever). Member exclusive plots allowed each member to feed what and as much as he wanted, plant what he wanted, and pressure "his" area as much or as little as he wanted.

Many times when groups of guys who previously hunted FL clubs come to AL to lease land, they bring their style of club management with them. It seems like an alien concept to most of us, so I thought maybe I'd try to shed a little light on the theory behind it.