Originally Posted By: outdoors1
Yes and no depending on the writing of the law and if we could vote on it. We need more even distribution of wealth though it may never happen call it greed. No one deserves over five hundred thousand salary I don't care what they do. Someone on the lower end is paying for it guarantee. Too many upper level people may try to write their own legal exclusions into legislation. For example, current legislatures that passed Health Reform Act do not have that insurance, but government insurance plan. If you pass the plan you should have to be part of it immediately. American greed has gotten out of hand over the years imo.
A higher up in a company may make millions a year and in addition receive stock options with value worth millions. They could stay five years and stock options double on no part of their own because working people bought into their stock. When they leave sell out and contribute to stock downward spiral or when company still post a loss. All legal in America
All while working non-sweat 30 hour weeks and never understand the sweat part only they don't do that type work and never did. Why do you think the minimum wages has not rose proportionate to cost of living, got to have the mice turn the wheel.
Read some interesting data on AFL-CIO website that I will share. The average union employee makes over $5,000 more than non-union employee. I would pay $500 union dues if you tell me I can make $5,000 more. That should cover those dreaded union dues some complain about in the U.S. Big business wants every state to be "Right to Work" state, so they pay less wages. Good if you on the top end of business. They get more cheaper wages and more workers cheaper. Kind of a trade off it seems.

The part I Highlighted is the problem.

You're describing Eastman Kodak's plummet to the bottom.

8-10 CEOs over a short timeframe trying to get Kodak's stock prices up, slashed many programs across the board to become sleek and profitable. Instead they steered the Titanic right into that iceberg. Many of their smaller divisions were profitable, just not enough to suit the Head honchos. They first did away with their research and development departments.
Jay Kelby was let go of their Digital division, so went Kodak whom one solely owned the numerous digital photography copyrights.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan