Originally Posted By: Geno
Patience....................and I have one. It goes from cheep cheep to squawck squawk and I struff it in my BDU pocket and button it down. It calmed right down and shut up.

Cool. laugh I sort out my gear and turn to resume my creeping and the water just to me left explodes. She was facing the other way and swapped ends in a tenth of a second and came at me with her mouth alternately wide open and closed. No noise while open - growling while closed. I was non-stop yelling at her to just let me go, I didn't want to hurt her and I would put the damn baby back. I came to full draw as soon as I realized wtf. She was having none of my nonsense, never checked up and I put an arrow down her throat at about 5 feet away.

She turned away and dove through the mat. The water was sloching all around and I was fereaked all the hell out and immediately turned and went to the closest bank 150 yards away.

Crawled out. Unbottuned my jacket pocket and found no baby. Kind of bummed about that - she kept on so I ddin't have to stick to my promise.

That was the last time I have been in a swamp l;ake.

This story reminds me of the guy in Jurassic Park that stole the egg. Mamas don't like that crap.

“Killing tomorrow’s trophies today.”

On the distance I like to walk to my stands:
“The first 100 yards is also the last 100 yards.”