BTW, don't wait until you NEED a rule because of a situation. Make rules to prevent such overuse now. My club has limits on everything from guests, family members, buck harvest, does, etc...

You may say, "Your club has too many rules!" No, we don't. We just protect the integrity of the club but we allow "paying members" to pick the fruit and we realize that we "Can't save the world" so we don't try.

Your family consist of 7 ppl.. only three can hunt per day and only 5 can be at the camp house at a time. And, your adult son(s) ain't your dependent!

Our club is happy and members don't grumble because if there is anything that would piss a member off, well, there is already a rule in place to prevent it. If you're greedy, hit the road!

Last edited by Kounse; 08/30/16 06:19 AM.