Originally Posted By: Bait57
When my son was much younger he was wild as a buck. We were in Walmart one day and he kept grabbing crap and putting it into the buggy. I explained to him that I didn't have the money to buy that stuff right now.

We the crying bs was one. He cut one dying fit. I warned him once of what was going to happen. He didn't listen. So I yanked his but out of that buggy and busted his arse right there in the isle. About half that time a woman came around the corner and started saying something. Thanks to my temper I never missed a stroke and told her that if she didn't shut her mouth and leave she was next.

He learned a valuable lesson that day. He is about to turn 16 now and he will put his hands in his pockets anytime he goes into a store.

I'm 32 years old. I still flinch if my Momma moves fast.

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?