And hey, I don't know what the answer is about the 11+million that are here. If you think ANYBODY is going to round them all up and ship them home then you are in a fantasy.
My opinion is to shut the border immediately (wall, mote, electric fence, gators, whatever). The ones who are here can pay a hefty fine and forgo any citizenship rights because of their actions. They will be given asylum (amnesty means vote ;)) and they can live the rest of their lives among us paying taxes and raising their families on the American dream. Enforce current laws and MANY will self deport anyway.
There are a lot of details that would need to be laid out for sure but that would be a start. I'm happy to discuss REAL options for immigration at any time, but now is not the time. November?? sure, after H is defeated.

Last edited by buzzard; 08/26/16 08:20 AM.

"Hell with them fellows, buzzard got to eat same as a worm"
Josey Wales