Originally Posted By: Driveby
Originally Posted By: quailman
I work with them every day on NAS Pensacola. What exactly do you need to know?

I wish I would have known and I would have looked you up. I have a friend that works for the foundation and was down there visiting a couple weeks ago. We were fortunate enough to get to see them go up for the first time since the accident. Since it was unannounced, there wasn't a crowd. I got to watch them around lunch from the top of the lighthouse. It was cool to say the least.

Yeah, next time you're in the area, let me know.

Pretty much what all has been said in the responses. Blues breed traffic. Be it on the roads or in the water it gets crazy. Like Driveby said, if you come to a practice on base during the week, not near as bad.

When they get back to normal operations, you can meet the pilots at the Naval Aviation Museum on Thursdays after practice.

Life is a journey. Make sure and bring plenty of Beer.

My luck has been so bad lately, it could be raining pussies and I'd catch one with a dick broke off in it.