I've been having a discussion with an elderly friend of mine about data usage. He can't seem to grasp the fact that he has some serious issues going on with his phone/phones. I have 4 smartass phones on my plan that I pay for. I pay $235 a month and that is with 12gb of data. No teenagers although my wife stays glued to it at times. Well my elderly buddy also has 4 phones with Verizon and pays $800-$1,000 a month because they use approx 60gb per month. REDICULOUS I know! I'm trying to explain to him they must have some apps that constantly run and drain their data because he claims they use wifi more often than not. My question to y'all is how many phones do you have and how much data are you using.

Before you answer;

QUAILMAN no need for you to reply, just get back to pissing your pants. and for those of you that pride yourself for living in ancient times by not having or using a cell phone, we've heard it all before. Blah blah blah