Hey B! How come everyone wants to jump on you? I don't get it! I've been around you more than most of these guys! I've stayed in your home! We've shared a room at the NWTF convention (our wives included) we've been pretty good friends for several years!

I'm about as country as country gets, I don't like arrogant folks, I don't like bully's and I hate folks that look down on others! Yet and still we get along great! More like brothers than just friends who only met a couple years ago!

What's up with all these guys wanting to put you down?

Here's an idea! Let's meet half way between North Alabama and South Alabama and take any and all up and comers who want a piece of the action!

I've got a good idea that we'll have a quiet supper on that night because no one will show!

As far as D Teague goes I don't think you could put his punk ass in a blender and pour him out on either of us! Lol!/

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. Emerson