Trump is the better of the two. Now if George C. Patton was alive and the men from whom this Country was built was here today they would roll over in graves including many of my kin....and the Bruce Jenner or whoever would never come out of his box. Messed up is this Country !

Here a quote from Patton:

Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.
Read more at:

Way to many yes men in this the Country and leading businesses. Trump is the guy who is going to shake it up and remind them like it or not if he gets the vote. I know....because I engage them everyday. We need someone to stand up and knock the shucks out of the passive pussies and shove politics up their ass. I made my living in the private sector (must make a profit to eat).... The rest sucking off me and others can kiss my ass, and take your politics and shove it way on up there hoss. Old School here and dont post much but many others feel the same. If Trump wins I think he can get us heading in the right direction but we dont need all these yes man, that got to his position by kissing ole rosey. I hate suck up politicans, and anyone in society that is a suck-up. If your a suck up I hate you too. Im done with my long post...being i post alot...damn !