Originally Posted By: JRF
That's the problem I'm having now I've got a few guys that don't hunt very often they do pay Their fines. But when they get there they complain about things it's getting done. So taken away hunt dates may be something that we need to look at that might get their attention. We also have 3 work days with $100 per day missed is what we have now.

Better idea is figure out what it would cost to hire someone to help do the work those days and double that figure. Let that be the new amount equal to missing a work day. Put the extra money into club improvements.

Deep pocketed people don't get deep pocketed by paying someone else $3-500 per day to do work they could do themselves. Unless they make that kind of money per day (on a weekend). Another possibility is dividing up the work and giving everyone a specific set of tasks. It becomes real apparent real quick then who's not holding up their end. After a certain date hire someone to do that guys tasks, or let another member do it, and give him the guys fine money.

Plenty of ways to skin cats. Gotta get creative.