I have a few ideas, but would love to hear what some of the "experts" think.

I have about 30ac (only about 20 useable acres and the rest a buffer. I'm trying to decide how best to use it to produce enough profit to hire a farm hand or 2. I don't want to get rich and would honestly be fine breaking even if it would afford me the ability to hire some help and not spend every spare minute out there.

Ideas I have:
Veggies for farmers market and local restaurants.
Free Range Chicken (not sure where the market for this is.)
Pasture Hogs (again not sure how to market.)
Goats (not much money in it, but they are fun for the kids.)
Sheep (can't figure out how to make money with them.)

I have toyed with a little livestock and gardening. I inherited a natural green thumb, but seem to enjoy dealing with the livestock more.

What say ye?