We are all where we are for a reason. I am the person that I am today because of the trials and tribulations of my past. However, If I could go back, I would change a LOT of the mistakes that have been made.
But, the couple that stand out in my mind are (1) I would have loaded my car with my guitar and amplifier and gone to Muscle Shoals the weekend of graduation and given that my best effort. ( I got married and joined the Army that fall instead)
(2) I would have invited my brother to go fishing with me the weekend that he committed suicide.
(3) I would have taken the job as bass player with Smokin' Joe Kubek and Bnois King when they asked if I would be interested in playing with them in Europe for three months. (I was newly married...AGAIN..and had a small child at home to feed and clothe)
Those are only three. The list is LLLOOONNNGGG!

my 2nd amendment guarantees your 1st amendment!

cixelsyd ton m'i tub (but i'm not dyslexic)