I am by no means a Trump supporter, but I just cant justify letting yet another four years go by with a big D in the executive office. Four years in presidential terms, almost certainly equates to eight years these days.

I don't Trust Trump and his so called conservative views, but I absolutely know that Hillary is rotten to the core. Y'all compare Apples, bananas, oranges or whatever you want too.

Hillary is going to get the Democratic nomination. If Trump gets the Republican nomination, which it appears that he will, then one of those two WILL be the next POTUS. It's that simple. No analogy is going to change that.

Technically, a vote for someone else is not a vote for the Hildabeast, we all get that. But effectivley it will take one vote away from the only one that has a real chance to beat her.

Remember Ross Perot? Bill Clinton surely does. I'm sure he is still grateful that Ross ran as an independent.

I voted with my conscious for Cruz in the primary, now my conscious is telling me to make my vote actually count by voting to keep her out of the White House.

It isn't a pleasant choice for me to vote for Trump, but neither is sticking to my guns by writing in someone or taking a pass, so that Hillary can give her Inauguration speech.

We all get ticked off at our elected officials when they refuse to vote on issues that are key to us. It's their duty to do so. I don't see a difference here. It's our duty to vote too. Man up and make a choice. But think about what that choice implies.

It's kinda like choosing between grabbing the pitt bull or watching it tear a kid apart. Neither choice is going to be fun, but you can't turn your back and forget it. There's my analogy.

What are you going to do?