Supper tonight took me back quite a few years.

If not for my obsession with deer hunting and my culinary prowess as a self declared master chef I might be a lonely bachelor.

Nearly 25 years ago, I met a much younger strawberry blonde down on the plains. Turns out she had a soft spot for this country boy. She told me that when I quoted a scene from a William Shakespeare play that she knew I was the one for her, but I imagine it had more to do with the dinner that I fixed for her on our first date.

As most college kids I had little money, definitely not enough for a night on the town, but I whipped up a fine meal of fried tenderloin, English peas, mashed potatoes and biscuits. Probably one of the finest meals ever cooked. At least one of the finest meals cooked in a trailer in Auburn that night....

We had the same exact menu for supper tonight that we had all those years ago. Tonight she returned the favor and cooked. She still can't fry deer meat as good as I can. laugh

I told the kids tonight, that if ol dad wasn't a mighty hunter and fine chef that their mother might not have ever married me and they would never have been. My 16 year old daughter sort of rolled her eyes. LOL

It's amazing the amount of memories in my life that revolve around a pine goat. I enjoy them every one.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14